
The Slingshot Sponsorship vision arose in response to two growing trends within the field of sponsorship funding and brand relationships.

1.  Organisations have come to realise that the audiences of their events, publications, and initiatives are financially valuable assets. Identifying their value for a brand, property rights holders are able to secure additional revenue streams by granting access to their audiences – effectively future-proofing their core activity.

2.  Marketers are waking up to the fact that sponsorship goes far beyond multi-billion pound brands plastering their logos on football shirts at huge expense. Brands of all sizes and budgets now understand that forming partnerships with rights owners (events, publications, initiatives, campaigns, festivals, etc) is a cost-effective way of reaching carefully defined, engaged audiences.

Sustainable sponsorship is only possible when value is created for everyone involved – the brand, the rights owner and the audience. However, successfully harnessing these assets can be complex and most rights owners and brands require specialist expertise to integrate this type of relationship into their organisation.  That’s where we come in!

To find out more on how we can help you, visit our Services.