Rockstar Energy Drinks
12th November, 2015
Rockstar approached Slingshot Sponsorship to support their launch of a new drink line in addition to unique assets that would help propel a POS and on-pack promotion.
Utilising the Rockstar brand message and following a review of other brand aims, Slingshot Sponsorship brokered the sponsorship between Snowboxx and Rockstar. Rockstar Energy Drink has natural affinity to both music and winter action sports and with Snowboxx offering the ultimate in activity and access the fit was ideal.
Slingshot created a marketing campaign with Rockstar which supported the aims of Snowboxx, including point of sale across key UK retailers. In addition Rockstar were able to curate the ultimate event at Snowboxx for consumers and key accounts alike including onstage access and adrenaline pumping activities encapsulating the brand message.